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10 Best Ram Rage Challenge Decks

Best decks for Ram Rage Challenge in Clash Royale! You have to admit that Ram Rider is raged. Choose your decks and win more!

Ram Rage Challenge is a special mode added to the game. Ram Rider is one of the cards that must be selected. At the same time, this card is naturally in “rage” state. As you can imagine, the best tactic is to head to the tower as much as possible. But you must remember that while doing this, you must stop the opponent’s Ram Rider.

I know it’s not easy, but I’m sure your job will get easier if you use the right decks. I’ve included some decks below. You can take a good step by using these decks. Also, I strongly recommend that you test the decks before using them. So you won’t be defeated for nothing.

1. Ram Rider Deck

clash royale ram rage decks ram rider electro wizard cannonThis deck has 2.8 average elixir cost. Its defensive potential is great and offensive potential is average. This is the deck I use. Another version of the classic Hog Rider cycle deck. Because I like to use fast decks, I continued with this. If you are good at using cycle decks, I recommend using this deck.

Ram Rider is your win condition. You can punish your opponent with Ram Rider when he/she does wrong moves. This deck has 6 elixir 4-card cycle with Skeletons, Ice Spirit, Zap and Ice Golem. Along with that, you can bait your opponent’s important spells with Cannon. When using this deck you should try those synergies:

  • Zap + Ram Rider
  • Ice Golem + Ram Rider
  • Ice Spirit + Ram Rider
  • Fireball + Ram Rider
  • Ice Golem + Electro Wizard
  • Cannon + Skeletons

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2. Ram Rider Deck

clash royale ram rage decks ram rider electro wizard fishermanThis deck has 4.1 average elixir cost. Its defensive potential is excellent and offensive potential is good. I faced this deck once and I won it too. Actually the deck is very useful and I don’t know that many people will use it. You can come across this deck a lot, as it was introduced by Clash with Kevo.

Ram Rider is your win condition. You can punish your opponent with Mini P.E.K.K.A. and Ram Rider when he/she does wrong moves. This deck has 13 elixir 4-card cycle with Zap, Fisherman, Fireball, Mini P.E.K.K.A.. Along with that, you can bait your opponent’s important spells with Fisherman or Musketeer. When using this deck you should try those synergies:

  • Fireball + Ram Rider
  • Zap + Ram Rider
  • Zap + Electro Wizard

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3. Ram Rider with Mega Knight Deck

clash royale ram rage decks ram rider mega knight mirrorThis deck has 3.8 average elixir cost. Its defensive potential is excellent and offensive potential is good. I haven’t encountered this deck much. However, looking at the cards, I can say that they are quite functional. Especially the idea of using Mirror sounds good. You have the chance to encounter this deck often because it is a deck offered by Orange Juice Gaming.

Ram Rider is your win condition. You can punish your opponent with Mega Knight and Ram Rider when he/she does wrong moves. This deck has 12 elixir 4-card cycle with Giant Snowball, The Log, Bomb Tower and Electro Wizard. Along with that, you can bait your opponent’s important spells with Electro Wizard. When using this deck you should try those synergies:

  • Giant Snowball + Ram Rider
  • The Log + Ram Rider
  • The Log ++ Bomb Tower

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4. P.E.K.K.A. with Ram Rider Deck

clash royale ram rage decks ram rider pekka royal ghostThis deck has 4.0 average elixir cost. Its defensive potential is excellent and offensive potential is great. This deck was a bridge spam deck created using Ram Rider. I can say that it has been made suitable for this event to be taken out of Battle Ram. I think it’s useful. It will be especially liked by players who love bridge spam tactic.

Ram Rider is your win condition. You can punish your opponent with Bandit, Royal Ghost and Ram Rider when he/she does wrong moves. This deck has 12 elixir 4-card cycle with Barbarian Barrel, Bandit, Royal Ghost and Poison. Along with that, you can bait your opponent’s important spells with Magic Archer and Electro Wizard. When using this deck you should try those synergies:

  • Electro Wizard + P.E.K.K.A.
  • Bandit + P.E.K.K.A.
  • Bandit + Ram Rider
  • Poison + Ram Rider
  • P.E.K.K.A. + Ram Rider
  • Magic Archer + Ram Rider
  • Royal Ghost + Ram Rider

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5. Mega Knight with Ram Rider Deck

clash royale ram rage decks ram rider mega knight teslaThis deck has 4.0 average elixir cost. Its defensive potential is excellent and offensive potential is good. This is actually a deck of bait. Hog Rider is in its original form and I can say it is a very useful deck. It is not surprising that it was adapted for the Ram Rider Rage Challenge. Because, when careful, it is capable of gaining maximum victory.

Ram Rider is your win condition. You can punish your opponent with Goblin Gang, Ram Rider and Mega Knight when he/she does wrong moves. This deck has 12 elixir 4-card cycle with The Log, Goblin Gang, Skeleton Army and Tesla. Along with that, you can bait your opponent’s important spells with Goblin Gang. When using this deck you should try those synergies:

  • Skeleton Army + Goblin Gang
  • The Log + Ram Rider
  • Fireball + Ram Rider

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6. P.E.K.K.A. with Ram Rider Deck

clash royale ram rage decks ram rider pekka dark princeThis deck has 4.0 average elixir cost. Its defensive potential is excellent and offensive potential is excellent. This deck is a very strong bridge spam deck. You have to keep the opponent under constant pressure. In this way, you can knock down lots of towers. However, I have to say that if you fail with your potion management, the deck won’t do anything.

Ram Rider is your win condition. You can punish your opponent with Bandit, Dark Prince and Ram Rider when he/she does wrong moves. This deck has 12 elixir 4-card cycle with Barbarian Barrel, Bandit, Earthquake and Dark Prince. Along with that, you can bait your opponent’s important spells with Magic Archer. When using this deck you should try those synergies:

  • Magic Archer + Ram Rider
  • Bandit + Ram Rider
  • Dark Prince + Ram Rider
  • P.E.K.K.A. + Ram Rider
  • Earthquake + Ram Rider
  • Electro Wizard + P.E.K.K.A.
  • Bandit + P.E.K.K.A.

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7. Lumberjack with Ram Rider Deck

clash royale ram rage decks ram rider electro wizard lumberjackThis deck has 3.3 average elixir cost. Its defensive potential is great and offensive potential is good. This deck is a deck created for a different challenge. But Ram Rider is strong enough to work for the Rage Challenge. Some players will be pleased that the usage cost is average. At least it’s an ideal alternative for those who don’t want to use heavy decks like me.

Ram Rider is your win condition. You can punish your opponent with Lumberjack and Ram Rider when he/she does wrong moves. This deck has 9 elixir 4-card cycle with Bats, Ice Golem, Zap and Firecracker. Along with that, you can bait your opponent’s important spells with Firecracker. When using this deck you should try those synergies:

  • Zap + Ram Rider
  • Ice Golem + Ram Rider
  • Bats + Ram Rider
  • Fireball + Ram Rider
  • Lumberjack + Ram Rider
  • Ice Golem + Firecracker
  • Ice Golem + Electro Wizard

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8. Ram Rider Deck

clash royale ram rage decks ram rider night witch battle healerThis deck has 3.8 average elixir cost. Its defensive potential is excellent and offensive potential is excellent. This deck is one of the decks used in standard matches. I think it will be very useful for this challenge. This is especially my recommendation for players who don’t have trouble with legendary cards. However, you shouldn’t try to spoil the deck with alternative cards.

Ram Rider is your win condition. You can punish your opponent with Bandit and Ram Rider when he/she does wrong moves. This deck has 13 elixir 4-card cycle with Barbarian Barrel, Bandit, Battle Healer and Fireball. Along with that, you can bait your opponent’s important spells with Magic Archer or Night Witch. When using this deck you should try those synergies:

  • Magic Archer + Ram Rider
  • Fireball + Ram Rider
  • Bandit + Ram Rider
  • Night Witch + Bandit
  • Battle Healer + Night Witch

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9. P.E.K.K.A. with Ram Rider Deck

clash royale ram rage decks ram rider pekka banditThis deck has 3.9 average elixir cost. Its defensive potential is great and offensive potential is great. Another deck used in standard matches. To be honest, I didn’t test it. But I think it will work. Because the cards are compatible with each other. With that in mind, you can make good matches. If the above decks didn’t work for you, you can try this out.

Ram Rider is your win condition. You can punish your opponent with Bandit and Ram Rider when he/she does wrong moves. This deck has 11 elixir 4-card cycle with Giant Snowball, Barbarian Barrel, Bandit and Baby Dragon. Along with that, you can bait your opponent’s important spells with Electro Wizard. When using this deck you should try those synergies:

  • Giant Snowball + Ram Rider
  • Poison + Ram Rider
  • P.E.K.K.A. + Ram Rider
  • Bandit + Ram Rider
  • Electro Wizard + P.E.K.K.A.
  • Baby Dragon + P.E.K.K.A.
  • Bandit + P.E.K.K.A.

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10. P.E.K.K.A. with Ram Rider Deck

clash royale ram rage decks ram rider pekka electro wizardThis deck has 3.9 average elixir cost. Its defensive potential is excellent and offensive potential is great. Especially P.E.K.K.A. If you manage to use your card well, it will be an ideal choice for you. If you are not skilled at this, you should definitely consider going to different decks. Because this deck will not be functional in any way.

Ram Rider is your win condition. You can punish your opponent with Bandit, Goblin Gang and Ram Rider when he/she does wrong moves. This deck has 11 elixir 4-card cycle with Barbarian Barrel, Goblin Gang, Dart Goblin and Bandit. Along with that, you can bait your opponent’s important spells with Goblin Gang. When using this deck you should try those synergies:

  • Poison + Ram Rider
  • P.E.K.K.A. + Ram Rider
  • Bandit + Ram Rider
  • Electro Wizard + P.E.K.K.A.
  • Bandit + P.E.K.K.A.

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